Reach our top-notch specialists to get your questions answered. Call (305) 888-0146
WE HELP YOU SOLVE Your Digital Printing Needs.
Get High-Quality Printing. Save Money. Increase Profitability.

Optimal Printing AND Optimal Profits?
NUtec will give you both.
When it comes to QUALITY and PROFITABILITY, NUtec™ digital inks have been for more than 10 years one of 'the best-kept secrets' of wide-format printing professionals in Europe and USA.

Digital Printing Challenges?
Try InkProInk™
InkProInk™ is the only PREMIUM digital ink that will deliver results above and beyond your expectations as it's been formulated to meet specific technical requirements and needs.

Reach our top-notch specialists. Call (305) 888-0146 or send your request to
Your Mimaki™ Printers Optimized?
You're one step away from a much better printing.
NO finger prints. NO chipping edges. OPTIMAL adhesion. NO liner marks. NO corona treatments.